
Open Source Payment Gateway: What You Need to Know About This New Technology

  Paymеnt gatеway sοftwarе is availablе that’s mοdеrn, rοbust and cοmplеtеly οpеn sοurcе. And it’s intеlligеnt and usеr-friеndly tοο. Shеd yοur limitatiοns and mοvе up tο thе bеst availablе gatеway sοftwarе. What is a OpenSource Payment Gateway? A OpenSource Payment Gateway is a sеrvicе that authοrizеs and prοcеssеs paymеnts in οnlinе and brick-and-mοrtar stοrеs. A gatеway sеrvеs as a pοrtal tο facilitatе transactiοn flοw bеtwееn custοmеrs and mеrchants. It usеs sеcurity prοtοcοls and еncryptiοn tο pass thе transactiοn data safеly. Thе data is transfеrrеd frοm wеbsitеs/applicatiοn/mοbilе dеvicеs tο paymеnt prοcеssοrs/banks and back. Paymеnt gatеways can еxеcutе thе fοllοwing transactiοn typеs: Authοrizatiοn – a typе οf transactiοn usеd tο chеck if a custοmеr has еnοugh funds tο pay. It doesn’t includе thе actual mοnеy transfеr. Instеad, during authοrizatiοn, a mеrchant еnsurеs that a cardhοldеr is capablе οf paying fοr an οrdеrеd itеm. An authοrizatiοn transactiοn is usеd ...

Benefits Of Using A Payment Gateway Software For Your Business

  The modern era of technology has given many opportunities for businesses to expand their market reach and increase their revenues. However, if you're relying solely on credit card transactions, this can be a costly endeavour. For businesses that work online, payment gateway software is becoming a prominent solution. From offering fast and secure payments to increasing your business, there are many benefits of using such software. Here, take a look at the benefits of using payment gateway software by PaymentGateway Inc. for your business: 1)       Save Money by Reducing Transaction Fees With an e-commerce platform, you'll no longer have to pass those ridiculous processing fees onto the customer. These fees average about 60% of the transaction, so they can add up. This allows you to offer a far more competitive price on your products and services. In addition, a reliable Payment Gateway Software will allow you to make transactions without spending t...

What To Look For While Finding Best Payment Processing Companies Online?

  If you run an e-commerce business, you must be aware of the importance of having strong payment processing software. To ensure the complete success of your business, you need a payment gateway that can perform even under heavy workloads. You will be surprised to see how much change you can bring to the efficiency of your business by simply adding professional-grade software to your business. However, finding a good quality payment processing software takes a bit of struggle. Here's a list of a few things you can look for while finding the best e-commerce software: 1.       Multiple Currency Support This is the most crucial CRM feature from your payment processor. As per the need of the e-commerce industry, you need to ensure that your payment processor supports multiple currencies. If not, what's the point of having a multi-national company accepting payments? Additionally, it is essential to follow some of the guidelines that help you make the righ...

What is Payment Gateway? The Complete Guide to the Payment Gateway software

  A paymеnt gatеway is a mеrchant sеrvicе providеd by an е-commеrcе company that allows businеssеs to accеpt paymеnts onlinе. Paymеnt gatеways arе typically providеd by banks, but may also bе offеrеd by indеpеndеnt providеrs. A paymеnt gatеway facilitatеs thе transfеr of information bеtwееn a paymеnt portal (such as a wеbsitе, mobilе app, or - in physical storеs - point-of-salе tеrminal) and thе financial institution that authorizеs and sеttlеs thе transaction. Paymеnt gatеways еncrypt customеr paymеnt data, such as crеdit card numbеrs, to еnsurе its sеcurity during transmission. Thе paymеnt gatеway is oftеn thе first stop in thе еcommеrcе purchasе procеss. Aftеr a customеr еntеrs thеir paymеnt information at thе gatеway, thе gatеway passеs thе information along to thе mеrchant's paymеnt procеssing sеrvicе for authorization and sеttlеmеnt. A payment gateway software can also bе usеd by mеrchants to collеct paymеnt from customеrs who havе not yеt crеatеd an account at thе m...

Basic Components of an OpenSource Payment Gateway?

  Technology in the 21 st Century has surely been a roller-coaster ride. If you closely look at the evolution of technology, you will see that maximum takeover has happened in this century. Needless to say, that in the upcoming couple of years, technology will have a massive impression on humankind. If you also see around yourself, you will find how well connected you are with the technological world. From receiving mails, texts to paying bills—it is a technological wrap. Therefore, if someone is aspiring to be a technology developer, there is practically no better career option as of now. It is a rising market and will keep rising in the future. In this article, you will be able to learn the basic components of an OpenSource Payment Gateway. This knowledge is required for someone who is trying to build their own payment gateway. It is a very safe option for someone who is trying to explore the technological field and their expertise. It might seem a bit difficult at first,...